the title above taken from Juwono Sudarsono's writing in his blog. a truly remarkable person yet he is indonesian minister of defense.
the article come with great statistic data upon indonesian welfare condition, and what indonesian has been doing upon poverty eradication. And also as epilogue he write that any element of indonesian citizen could take part in this movement, he take an example of what indonesian army has been done.
this is the article;
since this is blog on indonesian economics so the emphasize was on welfare numbers, but still i couldn't skip the temptation to present to you the indonesian army's website, it's in Bahasa Indonesia though.
the article come with great statistic data upon indonesian welfare condition, and what indonesian has been doing upon poverty eradication. And also as epilogue he write that any element of indonesian citizen could take part in this movement, he take an example of what indonesian army has been done.
this is the article;
since this is blog on indonesian economics so the emphasize was on welfare numbers, but still i couldn't skip the temptation to present to you the indonesian army's website, it's in Bahasa Indonesia though.
Your articles are well written and are a great way of sharing with others the poverty situation in Indonesia.
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destroy the coruptors first
agree, the first war is with the coruptors
i think the problem far greater than that guys...!! in my opinion, the system made people become corrupt here, it's not exactly people on fault here.
Its good in one way… we would be dreaming once again :P
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